April 28, 2010

Workout and Lunch

So today was my second weights day, but I ended up mucking about with technology.  One of the cords for the DDR mat was found last week, so I spent about 45-50 minutes doing that (actual play time ~30 minutes), during which I discovered that one of my old game discs was probably thrown away with an old ps2 that had gone bad.  After that, I did my first weight set.  I decided to do the lying flat parts of the routine on an incline instead of flat, so as not to be incapable of breathing properly.  I then spent 5 minutes on the treadmill to .31 miles, followed by a second weight set.  After that, it was lunch time.

Today, I had the frozen Chicken Quesadilla for lunch.

It was a most delicious meal, and I'm sad that I won't have another one for more than a month (I need to seriously deplete my stockpile of foods before I can get another monthly delivery of any kind).

It is a cold, dreary day here, so I'm going to go get my oil changed and then go out on a drive through the countryside with the camera.  I sent out a few new job apps this morning, and my heart is full of hope, so cross your fingers for the fatass.

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