April 22, 2010

IHOP Can Suck My Breakfast

So I had a diner quality breakfast from pan and toaster this morning.

Maybe they're NOT quite IHOP quality, but the frozen Homestyle Pancakes tasted pretty divine to me, this morning.

I mean, with the egg (protein), piece of wheat toast (carbohydrate) and juice box (fruit), it's basically a portion-correct version of what I might order at a diner (if it had a massive plate of bacon, there were two eggs and the pancakes were about 4 times as large it would be what I'd actually have ordered, previously, at a diner).  It was a really tasty breakfast, and a family member on Nutrisystem standard was filled with extreme breakfast-envy at my awesome meal.

Aaaand there goes the morning, with M.I.A reminding me that she'll be at the border with visas in her name.  You know, all she wants to do is GOOSH GOOSH GOOSH GOOSH.  Hopefully that'll be stuck in your head all morning now, too.

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