April 12, 2010

WEEKEND UPDATE: With Fatass Engineering

As previously mentioned, I drove up to Manhattan this weekend, meaning I left Saturday morning and returned Sunday evening. This required travel food discipline, but before we get to the meal round up, let's get the weekend results, shall we?

334.6 lbs

Meaning I'm up .2 lbs over the weekend, which I don't really consider to be significant. I'm gonna go ahead and call this a win for travel weight loss, although there were some road bumps.

One of the first rules I've learned is to order off the kids menu, so for lunch I stopped at McDonald's for lunch. They allow you to substitute apples for the fries, which is convenient if you were trying not to swallow unnecessary calories.

I ordered the cheeseburger happy meal, which was not the best decision I could have made. A cheeseburger from McDonald's is 330 calories which is not a bad lunch, if you're not on a diet. Of course, I AM on a diet, and 330 is on the upper edge of what most of my meals are worth. Wait, scratch this, the goddamned Mcdonald's site contradicts the marking that was on the cheeseburger wrapper.


According to this, it's only 300 calories. Whatever, fuck it, my point's still gonna stand. The burger without cheese is 50 calories less, and I should have ordered that. I should have also ordered it without ketchup, because ketchup is a ridiculous source of sugar. Mustard is not so evil.
Most importantly, lunch came with a toy. It's a dragon thing, I think it fell out of the car later, or I'd have taken another picture.

Dinner was had rather late, as the broseph I was visiting and I spent the afternoon going to Ikea and installing his new stereo equipment. We ordered a few wings and some hot sausage pizza from some place who's name I can't remember. I enjoyed the Verizon product placement on my dinner.

The wings were more than a little disgusting. I was excited by the prospect of wings, and that was the only reason we got them. I tasted one and spat it out, broseph had a similar experience. Lesson learned for the fiftieth fucking time in my life: pizza joint wings suck.
The pizza was like an orgasm in my mouth. I had 2 pieces, which is probably one more than I should have. However, previous to diet, I could have easily eaten half of a large pizza or more at a sitting, so I'm not kicking myself too much over a third of a medium pizza.

I didn't eat breakfast the next day and, once again, I had to eat lunch on the road. I stopped on the turnpike at around 1:30pm, and chose Quizno's instead of Burger King or Pizza Hut. Recalling something I saw on the internet about 430 calories for some turkey sub regular, I ordered the only turkey thing I saw on the menu, the Turkey Ranch & Swiss. It was a delicious sandwich and according to what I'm seeing on the Quizno's website, it was 430 calories.


Now, I've seen conflicting numbers on half a dozen websites about what the damned sandwich is actually worth, but I think I have to go with what they have on their site, because I can't vouch for any of the third party ones.

I got home and ate dinner around 6, which was a turkey sandwich with celery, lettuce, tomato and mustard.

I haven't eaten at all today, so I'm going to go make a nice Nutrisystem dinner before my clock runs out.

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