April 12, 2010

Dear Readers, I'm a Dumbass

Dear readers, let me share with you an update of how horribly I misread the Quiznos nutritional info. Each sandwich has a large chart associated with each size, with the rows: Sub, Cheese, Dressing, and Total. I did not read these labels, rather just went with the top entry from the calories section. This all jives, now with the other site I looked at.

Calories Fat Calories Fat
Sub 430 70 8
Cheese 80 50 6
Dressing 140 130 15
Total 650 250 29

This was actually exactly what I wanted to see, but I was an idiot about reading it. As you can see from the chart, the actual caloric content of the sandwich I ate was 650 calories. I could have easily saved 220 calories off of that by ordering it without cheese and dressing. To be clear, A THIRD OF THE FUCKING CALORIES WERE FROM SAUCE AND CHEESE!

This is one of the main tips in the dining out guide that Nutrisystem gives you, but I hadn't been thinking when I ordered, and just got the stock sandwich. Even if I'd gone with lite dressing, I'd probably have saved 100 calories, easy. Fortunately, other than that slip, this was the best option I could have chosen, so I take comfort in it. A sub that I would have typically ordered at another time in my life, such as a Large Bourbon Grill Steak, has much more terrifying numbers:

Calories Fat Calories Fat
Sub 830 270 30
Cheese 200 150 16
Dressing 100 10 1
Total 1130 430 47

Nearly twice the total calories and calories from fat. So I'm on the right path, I just need to be more conscious of the trimmings when I order.

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