April 24, 2010

Dinner and Temptation

So I didn't eat all day, and there were some intestinal issues that kept me from getting much done, but I did manage dinner.

The frozen Ravioli Formaggio is, as with the other frozen foods, much better than the other non-froze equivalent.

Along with the ravioli, I also had some celery (unlimited vegetable), broccoli (vegetable) and 2 tbsp of light dressing (fat).

I also had a piece of wheat toast (carbohydrate) with the entree, which is always nice to have to mop up sauce.

For dessert, I enjoyed a Double Chocolate Almond Cookie.

This is one of the better of the non-ice cream treats.

The other members of the family enjoyed the fruits of a journey to the farmer's market, after some appetizers and beer.

Some nice highly fresh turkey sausage on the grill.  This stuff smells just like regular pork Italian sausage, and was mighty tempting, so I decided to hide in another room from the delicious sausages.

We may or may not engage in the gaming this evening.  At least one member of the standard crew is out for the evening, and I'm not totally stoked about the idea, right now.  I'm in the mood for some ODST firefighting tonight, so maybe I'll try and convert some folks to the cause.  Since we don't have the achievement hanging over our heads, I think it may be amusing to go for some higher scores on other maps.  I know I need a fourth to round out the crew, at least, so maybe I'll turn to the internet for a random player.

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