April 21, 2010

Dinner and Other Myths

So I'm pretty sure all is well in the world of the RSS feed, as several people have told me that they got the last article.

And with that we can move on to what I had for dinner: The Wedged Potatoes With Sliced Beef Steak.

For sides, that lovely dressing mentioned earlier, some romaine lettuce (unlimited vegetable) and some chopped up broccoli (vegetable) in a salad, a slice of wheat toast (carbohydrate), and some green olives (fat).  I ended up not eating most of the lettuce, as there was not enough dressing to go around, and it was less than tasty.  I only ate 3 of the olives, because at the bottom of the box, they tend to be a bit soaked in oil.  The toast and entree were most excellent, though, and I finished them to the last drop.

For dessert: the Creamy Fudge Bar frozen treat.

This thing tastes just like a regular Fudgsicle to me, and although I don't normally eat iced treats all that often, it's quite welcome while on the diet.

For those who had their feed readers assaulted today, I apologize.  There was an issue involving Feedburners limits that took much longer than it should have to resolve.  I never did get to today's french lesson, because of time spent dealing with Feedburner, so I'll have to double up tomorrow, or something.

The new camera is getting here tomorrow, and I am most stoked, I guess I need to force myself through some more of the manual tonight, so that I might photograph dilapidated barn structures and Amish maidens.  I hear running from pitchforks is a good way to burn fat.

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