April 14, 2010

Frozen Food Delivery!

This is extremely exciting news, people! My frozen food from Schwan's came via UPS today, and the unpacking was quite fun.

It came in this rather large styrofoam ice chest full of dried ice to keep it frozen.

Apparently, as I was told when I called Nutrisystem this morning, my order shipped on Monday, do I had some concern that things would have thawed slightly, but everything appeared to be still frozen solid. The smaller package contains 7 ice cream sandwiches, that constitute a week's worth of snacks.

As you can see, there was actually frost on one side of the large box that was revealed when it was removed from the crate.

First out of the box were 7 days worth of breakfasts.

Immediately below them were 7 desserts and 1 of the dinners.

Below that tray were the rest of the dinners and all of the lunches. As I've mentioned previously, these are by far the best meals that you can eat on Nutrisystem, and I needed to have one for lunch.

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