April 30, 2010

Weigh In and Jobs Report

Another day, another "thank you for applying for X position, we regret to inform you that X position has been filled" email.

Weight:     321.2 lbs
Body Fat: 46.9%
Water:      40.6%

At least the weight loss news is good.  Getting these emails every day and having barely any other contact from companies for the last, oh, more than 9 months, now, is getting fairly discouraging.  I know that many of my former coworkers are in the same boat, hell, a large portion of the country is in the same boat, but that thought only gets me so far.  Ah, well, it's time to suck it up, eat a late lunch, and get back in the trenches.  Today could easily be the day I start a new life with a new company.

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