January 11, 2011

Back On The Horse

Morning, Fatheads!

I didn't post yesterday because I was in a huge rush in the morning and I just kind of spaced in the evening, so here's the farm report.  I grabbed one of my Nutrisystem breakfast bars and a juice box for breakfast, then ate a yogurt, a juice box and a Nutrisystem Red Beans and Rice meal while I was at work.  After work, I had to go to an appointment, after which I went to Whole Foods (not my normal supermarket, but there's one near where my appointment was) and picked up various vegetables for the week, along with dinner, which was an over-large bowl of clam chowder and some chips and guacamole.  Inauspicious beginnings to this week, indeed.

Weight: 314.4
Scale fail on other numbers.

I also haven't gotten some good reading time in on the john in several days, which is starting to aggravate me.  Add that to the list of reasons I shouldn't go off-script.  At any rate, it's breakfast time.

The basis of today's breakfast was Nutrisystem Low-Fat Granola.

The STAR of today's breakfast was a scrambled egg (protein) with half a jalaepeno (extra food, I know) diced into it.  I also had a slice of cinnamon raisin bread (carbohydrate), a blood orange (fruit) and the necessary 4oz of milk for the granola.

Jalapeno egg was a good decision, and thank god for that, because I've got 2.5 more of the things in a container in the fridge.  On that note, I definitely went overboard at the supermarket last night.  I bought about twice as many vegetables as I did last week, which I haven't actually finished.  I guess this will force me to be better about sticking to the diet?  After discarding my cauliflower (which isn't worth the hassle of returning), I sliced up the cucumbers, 2 celery hearts, and various bell peppers I bought, and stowed them along with the baby carrots and jalapenos for easy access.

In the work food I've prepared for today, I have cucumber (unlimited vegetable), a yogurt (protein? dairy? it's one of those, and mine are all small), a juice box (fruit), and a Nutrisystem Turkey Hot Dog and a slice of wheat bread.  That should cover all eventualities... except for an afternoon snack.  I'll throw some Nutrisystem Zesty Herb Mix or something in there.

Enjoy your daily dose of hippie music, Fatheads, it's time for work.

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