January 19, 2011

Aldous Snow is Better Than Bono

Good day, sir.  I'm running way behind, so we're gonna stick to the facts.

Weight:     304 lbs
Body Fat: 42%
Water:      44.4%

 I feel dehydrated this morning, which is hardly shocking, given the joy of last night (I wasn't able to keep down much water over the rest of the evening).  Let's hope breakfast goes better, shall we?

Breakfast was Nutrisystem Low-Fat Granola.

Along with which I had a juice box (fruit), an 8 oz glass of milk (dairy) and two slices of raisin bread (double carbohydrate!).  Now, I woke up this morning a little shaky, possibly due to the fact that I basically didn't get anything in the way of nutrition in the evening yesterday.  Don't begrudge me that extra slice of toast.

On an unrelated note: I really need to buy some new bowls.  Eating proper portions out of these makes me want to cry, since they're sized to hold about 4 times what I should be eating for breakfast (also what I would have eaten before this diet, if I only had one bowl of cereal).

You know what?  I can't think of a single time I've said to myself, "you know what would make this scene better?  Jonah Hill".  Wonder why that is...

G'day, Fatheads.


  1. Welcome back on track! Many members agree that using “correction portion size” dishes help them to envision larger meals. In fact, keep your eyes open; as Nutrisystem will be debuting new portion size tools very soon!

    Also, be sure to check out the different forums over at Nutrisystem.com to gather ideas and suggestions for bulking up your meals!

    We look forward to hearing more about your journey!
