January 24, 2011

Damned Alarm

Well, my plan to get back on track with waking up was shot all to hell this morning by one of my alarms not working.  Tomorrow will clearly be the day for it.

Weight:     302.2 lbs
Body Fat: 42%
Water:      44.4%

Man, even when you love your job, this is the roughest day of the week.

 I'm trying to hurry through my busy morning, so I had Nutrisystem Low-Fat Granola for breakfast.

For sides, I had an 8oz glass of milk (dairy), a juice box (fruit) and a slice of raisin bread toast (carbohydrate).  An acceptable, if not particularly spectacular, meal.

My body's aching and my time is at hand, so I'd better go finish packing lunch, get in the shower and go to work.

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