January 17, 2011

I Do It For The Ladies

Because Bitches be all about dem planes.  Now that we've gotten that out of the way, what's say we pretend it never happened and I tell you what I shoved down my throat today?

For lunch, I had a frozen Nutrisystem Toasted Ham & Cheese.  Unfortunately, I do not have a toaster at work, so I had it from a microwave for the first time.  It was basically like having a warm, soft wheat bread sandwich (I liked it).  I also ate a morning snack of a juice box around 10, and had some celery with lunch.

When I got home, I grabbed a snack of a Nutrisystem Oatmeal Cookie... of which I apparently do not have a stock photo.  I will have to remember this for the next time I have one handy.  Well, after I ate that, much surfing of the internet took place, upon the conclusion of which, I decided I'd better fucking make dinner before it got too late.

When I went to grab dinner from the cabinet today, I realized I only have 3 kinds of dinners remaining... but I've got almost 2 weeks worth of them.  This is not counting the slightly-less-than-a-week's worth of frozen dinners I have, mind you.  But chief amongst the dry food dinners are the Southwest Chicken Wrap and the BBQ Sauce with Pork Wrap.  Tonight, I went with the latter (for those of you who never quite got latter/former down, see pictorial above).

I know, I KNOW what the wrap looks like if you just dump it out of the package, alright?  IT TASTES GOOD and that's all that matters to me, tonight.  But don't the bell peppers and celery look pretty?  I think the vegetables look pretty, and that fucking bread... you all saw how that bread (carbohydrate) was looking at me!  Dressed in that light brown toasting, it knew what it was asking for!  Don't even get me started on that filthy light ranch dressing (fat), that tart ended up ALL OVER the vegetables.

Ahem, I seem to have lost my composure for a moment there, and I do apologize.  Now, we can discuss desert, which, as is typical for me, these days, probably won't happen.  The song below is not what I listened to over dinner.  I actually classed it up and started with the full BWV 1007 during prep and finished BWV 1008 while I was finishing dinner (Jian Wang's interpretation).  However... I came across the video below while looking for BWV 1007 on the Youtube, and it was sufficiently badass to take its place in this post.

Put that in your ear canal, Fatheads!

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