January 21, 2011

Non-Stop, Ya'll

That's the official way to spell, "ya'll", in case you ever need to use it for a professional correspondence.

Weight:     300.8 lbs
Body Fat: 42.1%
Water:      44.3%

And that's the news from one of the places where people think the civil war wasn't about slavery, but about state's rights (PRO-TIP: IT WAS ABOUT SLAVERY, YOU ARE ALL LYING TO YOURSELVES AND EMBARRASSING BOTH YOURSELVES AND THE REST OF THE COUNTRY). 

On a less "the South is Awesome but also kind of retarded" note, I had frozen Nutrisystem Golden French Toast for breakfast.  It would probably be better with syrup, but then: what wouldn't be?

I also had an orange (fruit), a slice of raisin bread toast (carbohydrate), and an egg cooked with hot sauce (protein and burning).  The problem with buying produce at Whole Foods is that I've yet to buy straight-up "oranges" from there.  The ones I bought this week have a sticker that calls them "Cara Cara Pink Navel" which apparently means some kind of grapefruit cross-breed abomination, thankfully without seeds.

I also packed my lunch/snacks while waiting for my pan to heat up.  I packed a cup of Nutrisystem Cheesy Homestyle Potatoes, some carrots and celery, a juice box, and a bag of Nutrisystem BBQ Soy Chips.  That should get me through the day and onward to dinner.  Since it's Friday, I might go out (if I do I'll try to Twitter a picture), but I probably won't.  I'm not sure if I'm working tomorrow, yet, but I'd like to be. If I DO go out, there probably will not be an entry this evening, which shouldn't be a problem for any of you, since you all have vibrant social lives to be about.

To be clear on the weekend OT I'm pulling:  I'm a salaried employee, non-exempt, but the company still does pay me OT.  Also, the weekends I've worked so far have all been on a volunteer basis, the only way sites end up forcing you into working weekends is when there's no one who volunteers for it, and there's almost always someone who needs/wants the cash, especially since you earn above your base pay on an hourly basis for OT hours.

It appears they've now added a (or I didn't notice it before) "Use old embed code" button, which is nice, since all the various info out there about adding modifiers to the script pertains to the old code.

Do it up, Fatheads.

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