January 22, 2011

Write The Best Post (Or I'll Eat Your Soul)

Oh, Saturday, what a day to be working.  Hey, at least I get to sleep in a bit, right?

Weight:     300.2 lbs
Body Fat: 41.9%
Water:      44.5%

I'm still fairly exhausted this morning, although I don't know why.  I only played a little bit of video games last night, and was asleep at a decent hour (Halo: Reach has Griff Ball right now, but I forced myself off around 10pm).  GriffBall:

Above: RoosterTeeth's Explanation of GriffBall.  Well, I'll get on with the summary of yesterday, then, since I didn't feel like posting when I got home last night.  I had Nutrisystem Cheesy Homestyle Potatoes for lunch, along with some carrots and celery, and a juice box for morning snack, as well as a bag of Nutrisystem Soy BBQ Chips for afternoon snack.

I had a long afternoon (didn't finish with various things after work until 7ish) after which I went to Whole Foods to pick up dinner and yogurt.  They didn't have the Dannon Light & Fit I've been eating, but they did have some hippie-branded one that's probably exactly the same thing, but they can't sell it under another brand because it makes hippies cry.  At any rate, I had a piece of Turkey Meatloaf and some paella.  I only ate about half the paella, and my secret is: that I don't really like paella.  I forget this occasionally, and think "my god, that looks tasty" and then am full of annoyance and regret over my poor decision.

Speaking of poor decisions, I've managed to avoid the dessert table in the past, but I slipped a bit yesterday.  I got this chocolate chip cookie sandwich, and ate it with about a 10 oz glass of milk.  It was worth it.  I apologize for the darkness.... the pigment... the lighting (man, it's hard to break out once you go down that path)?  Yes, I apologize for the lighting and the too-high shutter speed for last night's photographs,  I didn't bother to change the settings on the camera (or actually look through the sight) before I shot.  At any rate, my portions were pretty decent, although I should have had a salad or some vegetables with the meal to make it a bit healthier, and I probably should have bought just one cookie instead of two that had delicious chocolate icing between them.  Whatever, if I did all that, the communists would win.

For breakfast this morning, I had frozen Nutrisystem Homestyle Pancakes.  I believe I've now exhausted my frozen breakfasts.  I have quite a few of them still in my pantry, however, and I just got next month's dry food delivery yesterday.  I'll need to unpack it this weekend.

Along with that, I horked down an egg with hot sauce (protein), an orange (fruit) and a slice of raisin bread toast (carbohydrate).  It's a new loaf that I picked up yesterday, and it had one of those crappy ends in it (I like end pieces of bread, but this one was one of those really thin, almost crackery ones) so I consumed it, in accordance with the prophecy.

So with this rather corpulent post out of the way, I'm now prepared to face my day at work with the lunch/snacks that I have packed.  I only require a shower and pants to face the shiny demon in the  middle of the road.  AND HE SAID:

G'day, Fatheads.

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