January 29, 2011

Odd But Delicious

As I've noted, the last week at work has been a little... involved.  I'm getting enough sleep and eating right, but that hasn't left much time for blogging, and today is no exception.  HAHAHA, I just noticed, when I copypasta'd yesterday's weight, that I entered "398" instead of "298". 

Weight:     296.8 lbs
Body Fat: 40.8%
Water:      45.4%

 I feel a bit dehydrated but, on the other hand, I haven't taken a real crap in about 2 days, so I'll call it a a wash, on that front.

I've been doing a lot of eating out, but I've been being good.  For example: last night I bought a reuben and a side salad (vegetables only, hold the cheese) from my deli, and gave half the reuben and the chips to a co-worker.   You see, I left work for an off-site meeting and some other business, and had to go back.  I ended up pulling a few hours of OT because I got sucked back into an issue as a result of going back, but what can you do?

I went out for some drinks and sushi with a coworker when I finally got off last night.  I had a total of six pieces, 2 eel, 2 tuna, and 2 sea urchin.  I'd never had sea urchin before, but I think it's my new favorite thing.  It's got a very soft, delicate texture, but it doesn't fall apart.  As far as flavor goes, it was kind of buttery, rather fishy, and reminded me somewhat of conch (cooked, I don't think you can eat conch raw).  I stuck mostly to the clear liquors, but I did have some good old-fashioned whiskey.  I steered clear of the sake and beer, beer being the greatest invention of mankind, of course.  Unfortunately, beer is that one really killer (other than sugary drinks, which I don't drink, because God blessed me with a penis) drink for diets, and can blow you up real quick.  At any rate, I'm going to run through mcdonalds and have an egg mcmuffin for breakfast, because I've wasted the ten minutes I should have spent making breakfast writing this post.  I will, however, put together diet-appropriate work snacks and meals before I leave (Nutrisystem lunch, etc).

Keep it real, Fatheads.

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