January 28, 2011


My days have been a bit crazy this week, so I haven't had the time to write any real posts about what I'm eating, but I'm committed to putting my daily numbers out there, so here we are.

I know I promised yesterday I'd write a food summary post last night, but that clearly wasn't going to happen when I got home at 8ish.  We had a going away dinner for a coworker, and I was just exhausted after this long week.  I might get a post in this weekend sometime, but this morning, at least, I need to eat another quick meal and run, so that means weigh-in, only.

Weight:     398.2 lbs
Body Fat: 41.5%
Water:      44.8%

As you can see, things are going well on this front, so no worries.  I've mostly been staying on the Nutrisystem meals, but I've had to eat out for several dinners in the past few days, and I went out for lunch on Wednesday.  I'm keeping myself under control when I do, and I'm running around so much at work that I'm pretty much staying on track.  I've been packing appropriate lunches, and will have one again today.

I'm definitely working tomorrow, and may be working part of the day on Sunday, so we'll see what I have time for, post-wise.


Listen to the music, Fatheads.

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