January 26, 2011

I Miss The Sun

To quote a cliche, the cold never really bothers me, but I fucking hate never seeing the sun... unless I'm late.

Weight:     301.4 lbs
Body Fat: 42%
Water:      44.4%

 Pretty minor weight loss, but that's hardly surprising, given what I've had for dinner the last two days.  Last night was a bit worse, since I allowed myself more of the cheese and didn't eat the "salad" dry.

For breakfast, I had a bowl  of Nutriflakes Cereal.  Which is just like every single other bran flakes cereal on the planet.

I also had an orange (fruit), a slice of raisin bread toast (carbohydrate) and an egg (protein) with some hot sauce.  I had a bit of a short bus moment this morning.  You'll note the fork in the picture above, useful for eating the cereal, no?  I did the same thing to myself with my yogurt at work yesterday, where I ended up sort of drinking the yogurt and abandoning a good portion of it because a plastic for is no good at holding onto it.


It's a comic.  In the spirit of being a good internet user, I'm not hotlinking the image, and I felt too lazy to download it and reupload it to one of my accounts to post here.  You should check it out, anyway, because Bug is hilarious.

I learned, this morning, that this was the music video for the song, and that it had a different version that the band recorded for it.  I didn't like it.  It was unfamiliar and therefore not as good.  Fortunately, some intrepid youtuber made the wise decision to lay the original track over the video, so here we are.

Hammanamana Fron, Fatheads.

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