January 6, 2011

Where's the sun?

The one thing I really miss about second shift is seeing the sun before I go into work, and not having to wake up, eat breakfast and get dressed under cover of darkness.

Weight:     315.0 lbs
Body Fat: 45.2%
Water:      42.0%

 Things are off to a start in the right direction, and isn't that all that any of us can hope for out of life?

Breakfast was an exciting gastronomical adventure into well-traveled territory with the Nutrisystem Low-Fat Granola that I so enjoy.

For sides, I had a slice of wheat toast (carbohydrate), an egg (protein) and an apple (fruit).  The 4oz of milk is part of the serving of granola.  A little trick I've learned from doing this diet:  the same amount of food seems like much more when you put it on individual dishes.  I feel more full when I eat cereal from a bowl, an egg and toast from a plate and my apple off of another dish than when I just pile my food together onto one over-flowing plate.  May not work for everyone, but it certainly seems to work on my headspace.

I do a fair amount of walking about for my job, which is nice.  Most professionals maybe walk to their desk in the morning and then to lunch and the bathroom over the course of the day.  In my job, I'm away from the desk wandering the plant at least once an hour, because I need to look at something in person rather than just in an emailed photo.  Since my desks are on the shop floor, even my bathroom walks are as much as a quarter mile.

But today I get to do some less engineery walking and more touristy walking.  The company I work for is fairly new to the area, and we have a vested interest in getting to know the history and culture.  As such, we're all taking a half-day "course" that includes a lecture and walking tour of the city.  I kind of wish I could just walk/drive directly to the tour, because work is outside of the city, and I need to go out to work to take a bus in for the tour (which isn't that big a deal, since it's just my normal commute, but it seems kind of wasteful).

That's the news from where I be, Fatheads, Guten Tag!

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