January 25, 2011


Due to the cyclical nature of a late schedule over the course of a week, I'm, once again, behind schedule.

Weight:     301.6 lbs
Body Fat: 42%
Water:      44.4%

Breakfast time!

I had a new thing this morning, that came as part of my most recent order.  I should say: I think I may have had one before, but it's been so long, that I no longer remember if I liked it.  A Nutrisystem Cinnamon Bun was my entree this morning.  I don't know if you can read that little stamp to the left of the bun itself, but it warns that it requires the microwave.

It's good that was there, because I would have thought you ate it cold, and I suspect it wouldn't be as good.  It's no Cinnabon, mind, but then, I never really liked Cinnabon.  It always feels like just too much.  I prefer my pastries small and light... in quantity, if possible.  I'm the opposite with doughnuts, though.  I like my doughnuts more cake-y rather than light.  Dunkin Donuts over Krispy Kreme, for example.  But Starbucks above all of these.

At any rate, I also had a slice of raisin bread toast (carbohydrate), a juice box (fruit) and an 8oz glass of milk (dairy) to get my day moving.

Before I forget OLD LADY, PERSONAL MESSAGE FOR YOU!  You know that granite cleaner/hand soap you buy?  Go to the link below, follow the instructions to save a few bucks.  Order 20 bucks worth of the stuff from soap.com, and you can use a coupon for 10 bucks off the order.


Now that I've shared my great wisdom with all of you, I will also share this

I do enjoy perambulating, anything more strenuous requires serious consideration.  You know, not until now did I realize just how stupid that music video is.  Come to think of it, I don't think I'd ever SEEN that music video before.  I certainly had forgotten how old that song was.

Time to go spend my day climbing around on scaffolding and crawling around in jets.  I am SO glad I lost as much weight as I did before I started this job.  My fatness gets in the way still from time to time, I doubt I'll be crawling into the wings too much for awhile, but I'm still much more able to walk up and down stairs/across the acres of factory floor all day than I would have been before I started on Nutrisystem.  Engineers: we don't ALL just sit at a desk all day.

Later, Fatheads.

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