January 4, 2011

Dinner, Goals

So I got off work, manged to snag a last-minute dentist appointment, and then was famished when I got home, so I decided to destroy the last of my ham and turkey (around an oz total) in a wheat bread sandwich.

I also had some light ranch dressing and a few carrots.  This picture is halfway through, as, in my haste, I forgot that I was being all open and honest about my miserable life choices and shit.

This lead to a Nutrisystem Ice Cream Sandwich for dessert.

While I was at work, I ate my yogurt and juice box for a morning snack, my meatball melt for lunch (Nutrisystem frozen food) and a South Beach snack bar for a snack in the afternoon.

Now to the meat of things:

1 - Off the hooch again, until either March 1st or I break 250 lbs.

2 - No more takeout (addendum, if takeout is necessary, I may only order salad, the least manly of foods... and no fried food salads that only barely qualify as one)

3 - Early to Bed, Early to Rise - TV/Computer off at 8pm, with a workout right after work if I have the energy for it.

These are all I can think of right now, I'll list more as I come up with them, but those are certainly a good starting place.

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