May 31, 2010

Snack, Workout, Dinner

So I ended up missing my lunch timeslot, so I waited until after snack for my first workout.

Snack was a delightful bag of Sour Cream and Onion Soy Chips, which I thoroughly enjoyed. 

54 minutes treadmill
1 weight set

Polar HRM
Calories Burned: 1308
Max Heart Rate: 185
Avg Heart Rate: 152

Unfortunately, as I started to finish my first weight set, I kind of hit a wall on my left arm, so I decided to take a break and go eat dinner.

And what a dinner it was!  Unfortunately, I did not remember to bring my camera out with me, so I didn't capture my Memorial Day BBQ food , but I can enumerate my sin for you.  I had 2 Nathan's hot dogs grilled, on buns, with brown mustard, sweet peppers, and sliced tomato, along with 1.5 servings of reduced fat Utz potato chips.  I measured out 2 servings of potato chips, but decided against eating all of it (yes, I weighed my plate before and after consumption.  I also had a handful of strawberries sweetened with Splenda, since they were there and I couldn't find any vegetables I wanted to eat

Things I did wrong:
 -I should not have had chips at all.
 -I should have had a vegetable.  Unfortunately, we're a bit thin on them right now, and I need to go to the supermarket tomorrow.
 -I should not have had buns.  Buns are delicious, but fairly caloric for what is essentially window dressing and a delivery system for a bit of meat.

Things I did right:
-I limited what I could eat going in to what a reasonable person should eat.  This is definitely more true than with the bratwurst incident Friday, where I definitely did not do this, and ended up eating god knows how many chips and 3 bratwurst (which would probably be equivalent to 5-6 hot dogs)
 -I didn't clean my plate.  I realized that I was full, and I didn't really need to eat the other half of that serving of potato chips, and, most importantly, didn't go ahead and eat them anyway.
 -I ate some strawberries.  I have no illusions about this being a balanced meal in any way, shape or form, but at least I had some plant matter involved in the whole procedure.

All in all, it's a far better outcome than most grilling experiences in my history.  My calculations put my calories at right around 750 for the meal, which could easily have gone much worse.  Clearly, I just need to go and work my ass off on the Wii, and continue to work my ass off tomorrow.

So I ended up not quite managing to work out this evening, unfortunately, so I'm going to grab a quick shower and go to bed, to better reset my clock tomorrow morning.

Weigh In and Last Night's Dinner

Good news, everyone!

Weight:     299.4 lbs
Body Fat: 41.8%
Water:      44.6%

I've broken the 300 mark.  These are exciting times, indeed.  I shall hold a feast in my own honor!  Wait, no, that's not how this works.  I continue starving for glory?

At any rate, I didn't post about dinner last night, so here we be.  I had the frozen Salisbury Steak with Macaroni & Cheese.

As always, the frozen dinners are a nice treat.  I also enjoyed, as sides, some celery (unlimited vegetable), some (steamed for a change, normally eaten raw) broccoli (vegetable), light ranch dressing (fat) and a slice of wheat toast (carbohydrate).

Now, my dessert is a story of controlled weakness.  Sun Chips are a great favorite of mine.  In general, sweet foods have never been my problem, I'm very much a salty/fatty foods person.  So seeing a nice big bowl of them on the kitchen table when I stopped downstairs to grab a soda before game time was not great for me.  I got out the scale and measured out two servings of chips to have as my dessert (~280 calories as compared to the ~140 my snacks normally are).

Game time was L4D2, and we accomplished our goals of getting all the Dark Carnival achievements knocked out of the park, along with a few others.  We had a generally good couple of rounds, with many many zombies dead.

Now, because of our irregular gaming session due to the holiday, I slept in quite late today, and will be at the outer extremities of lunch time when I eat.  I still need to at least lift today, so I have to get to that once my stomach settles from lunch.

May 30, 2010

Lunch and Snack

Well, I grabbed lunch, watched the movie Pandorum, and then grabbed a quick snack this afternoon.

For lunch, I had a plate of the Red Beans and Rice with Sausage.

It was good, and I enjoyed Pandorum.  It wasn't anything spectacular, but it was as good a way as any to pass a lazy Sunday.

For my snack, I had a bag of Zesty Herb Snack Mix.  I'm giving some thought to working out this afternoon, but my feet still feel a bit bruised from the other day, so I may just push it forward to Monday.  Exacerbating an injury to gain one day of exercise and then miss 4-5 days is not worth it.

Instead, I'm going to rock a few hours of Dragon Age: Origins, and then grab dinner.  Tonight, we're going for a couple of the ridiculous L4D2 achievements on Dark Carnival, so I'll probably look up a few videos on that nonsense before I grab dinner.

Self-Flagellation and Weigh In

So, as a Catholic, you know I'm all about the penance, and that's what yesterday was.  No food (other than a few of my sugar-free hard candies) and some exercise to make up for Friday's sins.  Saturday is even a traditional day for confession, dontchaknow.

Weight:     300.4 lbs
Body Fat: 42.2%
Water:      44.3%

 And the Lord has seen fit to forgive my transgressions!  This means I get to eat today!  Shit, I better hurry, I've only got another 9 minutes to eat lunch.

May 29, 2010


As I said in the weigh in post, I had to do a fairly light workout today, because I hurt my feet yesterday.

3 weight sets

That's it.  My stomach is still in turmoil, so I don't think I'll be eating my snack.

Sin and Weigh In

So yesterday was bad.  I made dinner for the family, beer brats.  Good beer brats take about an hour's worth of stovetop time followed by 15-25 minutes on the grill, and by the end of it, there was not much chance of me not eating some of what I made.  This could have been less bad, but I made it worse by eating 3 of the damned things, then having ice cream for dessert.

Weight:     304.8 lbs
Body Fat: 42.9%
Water:      43.7%

So these are the results of last evening.  Of course, now I feel kind of sick this afternoon, and not much like eating.  I would like to go downstairs and work out, but I also wore loafers when I went to the store yesterday, and whenever I spend much time walking around in those damned things, my feet hurt like hell the next day, so I can't use the treadmill/wii fit/elliptical.  I can still probably go and do most of my weight routine, though, and I'll knock that out this afternoon.

This evening we're rocking more L4D, as we did last night.  It is a most excellent game, this Versus Mode.

May 28, 2010

Breakfast, Lunch, and Awesome Shopping News

As I mentioned in this morning's weigh in, I needed to wake up early this morning to play the part of chauffeur to other members of the household.  This carried with it the joy of breakfast.

I had a nice piece of the frozen Golden French Toast fresh from the toaster for breakfast.

Unfortunately, I neglected to check if I had toasted it long enough before chowing down, so it was a bit frozen in the middle.  They recommend you zap it in the microwave for a few seconds to thaw before toasting, but I was impatient this morning.  I also had an egg (protein), a slice of wheat toast (carbohydrate) and a juice box (fruit).

After breakfast, I spent most of the morning driving folks around, and returned home for lunch.

Lunch was Red Beans and Rice With Sausage.

It was pretty good, and psyched me for our afternoon shopping trip to Target, which requires something of a preface.

I've been a very fat man for a number of years now.  For the last 2-3 years, it's been all 48" and 46" pants, though I was pushing the 48" ones for awhile there.  I also have been ordering XXXXL shirts for around the past 2 years, which have always been embarrassing and awkward because they have ridiculously large cuffs that I could never wear straight.  Sizes like these are also only common to stores like Walmart and Lane Bryant, neither of which I shop at, as most stores top out at 42" or XXL.  Instead of shopping in stores (the only one I could ever use was a Male XLT) I usually opted for buying via the internet.

Today was exciting, because of several purchases I made which fit admirably.  I bought a XXL shirt, which is still huge compared to what most people wear, but it's tiny compared to 4XL.  It is a bit snug, but I'm confident it will fit well in a few weeks.  I also purchased a few pairs of pants, size 42".  I was shocked to find that the ones labeled "relaxed fit" were almost too large, and the ones of normal fit were just about right.  Most exciting, I bought a pair of "Large" exercise shorts which fit perfectly.

I've always tried to dress well, and that's been particularly difficult being fat, so I am ecstatic that I'm on the path to normal sizes.  Options are extremely limited for a major fatass in terms of brands and choices within brands that they can wear, and they become progressively better the smaller you get.  I've broken a significant barrier here, and I'm pretty stoked.

All that being said, I tried to buy just a few things and keep them on the small side of where I am right now.  I don't want to have to fully replace my wardrobe more than once, so I'm waiting until I hit my final target area before I buy anything too exciting (between 170 and 220, I'm really not sure, yet).  I definitely needed some clothes, though, and I'm excited to be able to buy them at normal people stores.  Probably won't be hitting Express or anything any time soon, but that's OK, because I'm not gay or European (thank God I'm not European).

Weigh In With Friends of The Devil

Other members of the household apparently just realized their cars needed to be inspected by the end of May, so that means I get to play chauffeur today.  Should be a good time.

Weight:     302.2 lbs
Body Fat: 42.2%
Water:      44.6%

Lunch, Delivery, Dinner and Workout

So, I was apparently not entirely out of frozen lunches, I found one final lunch in the bottom of the freezer when preparing to put my frozen food into the extra freezer we have.

As I mentioned in the title, I got a delivery today, of the frozen variety.  I decided not to post the pictures today, but I might tomorrow.  In the meantime, I had a nice Meatball Parmesan Melt for lunch.

It was quite good.  I then went on to spend the afternoon dealing with reorganizing both frozen and thawed food, checking the job sites (so depressing), doing some reading, and then I sat out in the sun for a bit (I should get to enjoy some of the benefits of being home all day).

For dinner, I had a nice Rotini with Meatballs & Tomato Sauce.

For sides, I had celery (unlimited vegetable), broccoli (vegetable), 2 tbsp of light ranch dressing (fat), and a slice of wheat toast (carbohydrate).

For dessert, I had an Ice Cream Sandwich (I still have half of the ones from my last damned order).

After dinner, I headed off for some Wii Fit.  Unfortunately, I was interrupted about 30 minutes in, so I was unable to do a full two hours tonight (it was a long interruption) but I did get a decent workout.

Wii Fit Plus 
Today's Time: 1:43 Minutes
Today's Calories: 795

Polar HRM
Calories Burned: 1487
Max Heart Rate: 171
Avg Heart Rate: 142

It was a pretty decent workout.

Today's workout movie (watched on computer while free stepping on the Wii) was It's All Gone Pete Tong, which, if you haven't watched it, you must.

Today's workout song of the day was Prodigy - Invaders Must Die.

Now I need to shower and then sleep.

May 27, 2010

Weigh In

So I thought I set 2 alarms for this morning, and ignored the first one, guess who was wrong?

Weight:     303.4 lbs
Body Fat: 42.6%
Water:      44%

So that's fun, it's been pretty stagnant all week.  I guess I just need to step it up on the exercise front.

May 26, 2010

Workout, Dinner and a Cigar

I had a good workout this afternoon, followed by a good dinner, and topped off with a cigar.

20 mins treadmill
1 weight set
16 mins treadmill
1 weight set
10 mins treadmill
1 weight set

Polar HRM
Calories Burned: 1479
Max Heart Rate: 183
Avg Heart Rate: 147

I'm pretty happy with this workout.  I've increased my average heart rate (meaning I've got less down time during my weight set/between sets and treadmill) and my max heart rate.  I've been slowly stepping up my speeds to make myself less pathetic.  I'm easing towards what can be considered a jog instead of just a fast walk, varying my speeds and demanding either a speed increase or a temporary reprieve every 2 minutes while I'm on the treadmill.  I'm not going to go into hard numbers on this part, because they're kind of embarrassing.

In other workout news, workout song of the day was the Geico ad version of "Somebody's Watching Me", which they've got on their site for free here:

Now, on to serious business.

For dinner, I had Wedged Potatoes and Sliced Beef Steak.

For sides, a cup of green beans (vegetable) and half a cup of corn (carbohydrate) flash boiled together, 2 tbsp of light ranch dressing (fat), and some celery (unlimited vegetable).

For dessert, I grabbed one of my Ice Cream Sandwiches, and then adjourned to the back of the house to enjoy a cigar.

That's clean living, motherfucker.


I've run out all my frozen lunches and dinners (again).  However, there are still more than a dozen frozen breakfasts in the freezer.  Why?  Well, I like the couple of microwave breakfasts, but I really prefer the cold cereals, and they take less time to make than the toaster options.  So I'm going to work my way through what remains in the freezer before the next shipment comes in.

For breakfast today, I toasted the Homestyle Pancakes.

I also had a mini wheat bagel (carbohydrate) with some smoked salmon (protein) and a juice box (fruit).  I've enjoyed this salmon experiment, but I think the bagels are probably more than I need, and the salmon is a bit rich to have as often as I have been.  I'll probably run out my supply (3 more days) and then go back to eating bread slices for my carb and an egg for my protein at breakfast.

Weigh In and Schedule Reset

As you can see, I awoke at a decent hour today, so maybe my schedule is back on track.

Weight:     304.6 lbs
Body Fat: 42.6%
Water:      44.0%

  This morning: back to the grind.  Weight lifting and whatnot in the basement, then lunch, then some Wii Fit in the afternoon.

Dinner and Wasting Time

I did not manage to get my fat ass to exercise today.  For some reason, it just wasn't in me.

I did, however, manage to eat my last frozen dinner, Ravioli Formaggio.

For sides, some flash-boiled green beans (vegetable), celery (unlimited vegetable), a few green olives (fat) and a toasted wheat mini bagel (carbohydrate).

I rounded out dinner with an Ice Cream Sandwich, and resolved to do better tomorrow.

May 25, 2010


It seems like I missed nothing by waking up late today.  There were no exciting new job openings, and I didn't really need breakfast.

For lunch, I had a frozen Chicken Fajita Melt.

It was pretty good.  I'm now officially out of frozen lunches, so I'm back to just shelf food until the next shipment.

Weigh In

So, with yesterday's recap out of the way, I can start fresh (and late) on today.

Weight:     303.6 lbs
Body Fat: 42.1%
Water:      44.3%

According to the scale, I reached an interesting milestone somewhere last week, when my water and body fat percentages flipped.  I'm officially more water than fat, now!

As previously mentioned, I have no idea how accurate these numbers are, or any real appreciation for what they mean.  Fat cells contain some percentage of water/connective tissue/etc.  Does Body Fat % only represent the portion of my body that is actual fat, or does it include the other components of the fat cell.  Is it volumetric or weight-based?  Fat has a lower density than muscle, so the number should be fairly different.

 I may take some time in the near future to investigate these things, but not right now.  Right now is the time for lunch, so that I might punish myself better on the balance board.

Breakfast, Snack, Workout and Dinner

I could have sworn I at least wrote a breakfast entry, yesterday, but it appears I didn't, so here's the recap.

For breakfast, I had the frozen Garden Vegetable Omelet, which is rather good.

Along with it, I had some smoked salmon (protein), a wheat mini bagel (carbohydrate) and a juice box (fruit).

Due to distraction, I did not work out yesterday morning as planned.

Instead, I spent that time working on some job searching, and missing lunch.  I realized the time and  managed to grab some Sour Cream and Onion Soy Chips for snack before heading downstairs for a late workout.

16 mins treadmill
1 weight set
10 mins treadmill
1 weight set
5 mins treadmill
1 weight set

Polar HRM
Calories Burned: 920
Max Heart Rate: 167
Avg Heart Rate: 136

It was a pretty good workout, although I was feeling kind of lethargic.

For dinner, I had the frozen Chicken Alfredo.  I'm running through frozen meals to make room in the freezer, because I forgot to push back my next order again and more food will be shipping, soon.

For sides, I had celery (unlimited vegetable), raw green beans (vegetable), a wheat mini bagel (carbohydrate) and a few green olives (fat).

For dessert, I had one of my Ice Cream Sandwiches.  I've still got more than half of my frozen desserts remaining.

Man, and now I need to go write an entry for Tuesday weigh in.

May 24, 2010

Weigh In and Sunday Recap

So I ended up falling asleep in the middle of the morning yesterday, and completely missing lunch and a decent workout time.  This lead to later missing dinner because I was busy with something else, hence, no news about anything yesterday other than breakfast.

Weight:     303.8 lbs
Body Fat: 42.8%
Water:      43.8%

So now, I go forth for breakfast and Monday workout.

May 23, 2010

Breakfast, Fading Wakefulness

So, despite just barely keeping my feet, since we stopped killing zombies at 3am and I didn't fall asleep until after 4, I got my ass downstairs to make/eat some breakfast.

Of course, I'm on Nutrisystem, so the making was fairly trivial, what with the nice packaged Nutricinnamon Squares Cereal I had for an entree, for which I needed to measure out half a cup of non-fat milk.

I didn't even have to cook an egg, I just toasted my mini wheat bagel (carbohydrate), slapped some pre-weighed smoked salmon on it (protein), and grabbed a juice box (fruit).  I do enjoy my salmon, and my caffeine.  This should get me through enough of the morning to get a workout in before lunch.  If I do pass out at my desk: no lunch.

Weigh In

Much zombie killing took place last night, and it was good.

Weight:     305.8 lbs
Body Fat: 43.1%
Water:      43.8%

 I'm now having a serious internal debate over whether to go back to bed or go downstairs and eat breakfast.  At the moment, my bed is looking pretty damned good.

May 22, 2010

Workout, Dinner, Workout

I decided to punish myself with fitness, today.

Wii Fit Plus 
Today's Time: 1:13 Minutes
Today's Calories: 566

Polar HRM
Calories Burned: 935
Max Heart Rate: 155
Avg Heart Rate: 132

After which, I passed GO, and proceeded directly to dinner.

I had one of my frozen dinners, the Turkey Pepperoni Pizza.

For sides, I had celery (unlimited vegetable), cauliflower (vegetable), some light ranch dressing (fat) and a mini bagel (carbohydrate).

For dessert, I had a Lime Creme Bar, also of the frozen foods section.  I'm not a huge fan of these sorts of things, but I didn't much feel like any of the snack-type desserts or cookies, so I figured I'd have this.

Other members of the family enjoyed a nice steak dinner while I returned to the Wii for more self-flagellation.

Wii Fit Plus (Post Dinner)
Today's Time: 30 Minutes
Today's Calories: 225

Polar HRM (Post Dinner)
Calories Burned: 424
Max Heart Rate: 158
Avg Heart Rate: 131

Unfortunately, evening workout hit a snag when I tripped the breaker (too many hdds on at once on the computer rig).  So I now leave you with total daily numbers from workouts, and head to the shower before much zombie death occurs.

Wii Fit Plus (Daily Totals)
Today's Time: 1:43 Minutes
Today's Calories: 791

Polar HRM (Post Dinner)
Calories Burned: 1359

And the workout song of the night, The Crystal Method - Kling to the Wreckage


I grabbed one of the microwavable lunches, since I didn't feel like boiling water and waiting around, today.

I had Pasta with Beef, and it wasn't anything special.  Food as fuel and all that, onward to greater things.

Fish, Plankton, Sea Greens, and Protein from the Sea

I've always been concerned about the fact that, apparently, "protein from the sea" does not somehow incorporate fish.

So with that out of the way, I move on to breakfast.

I had Nutriflakes Cereal for my entree, because anything sweeter would have been a bit strange with my sides.

I was very excited to have some lox (smoked salmon, not liquid nitrogen, also protein) for my breakfast this morning.  It's one of my favorite breakfast foods and, when eaten in moderation, is a healthy option.  It does have the unfortunate side effect of making you smell like fish early in the morning, but I'm unemployed, and not likely to go anywhere exciting today.  I also had one of those delightful mini wheat bagels (carbohydrate) and a juice box (fruit).

Last night was exciting, we whipped out the old school L4D Versus mode, and earned us some achievements.  Our L4D phase was rather short, and we rarely played much in the way of versus mode.  One person has recently been agitating to bring it back from the dead, and I'm now onboard with him, I've never had so much fun getting my ass handed to me.  That's definitely a key difference from Halo 3, it was never fun getting demolished in that, and it just gets more aggravating as the years wear on.  Tonight: more zombie death.

Slightly Less Fat Today Than Yesterday

Happy Saturday and all that.

Weight:     306.4 lbs
Body Fat: 43.3%
Water:      43.4%

Now, onward to food!

Lunch, Workout, Dinner, Workout

I've had an exciting day of getting back on track with fat burning and eating right.

For lunch, I grabbed a Steak & Cheese Melt, one of the frozen lunches.

It was rather good and, after taking some time to let my stomach settle and catch up on some of the news, I headed to the basement for an afternoon workout.

20 mins treadmill
1 weight set
10 mins treadmill
1 weight set
20 mins treadmill
1 weight set

Polar HRM
Calories Burned: 1443
Max Heart Rate: 179
Avg Heart Rate: 143

So that was a good workout, and I headed up to grab dinner.

For dinner, I once again had the Chili with Beans, which I've enjoyed.

For sides, I had some celery (unlimited vegetable), light ranch dressing (fat), a mini bagel (carbohydrate) and some strawberries (fruit).  I decided to save the strawberries to eat with dessert.

Dessert was an ice cream sandwich, because I realized I'm getting food order next week, and I've been so stingy with my frozen food consumption that I still have quite a few of the desserts left to me.  I fear we may need to set up the extra freezer we have in the near future.

Following dinner, I headed upstairs, refilled my water bottle and jumped on the balance board for a few hours.

Wii Fit Plus 
Today's Time: 0:53 Minutes
Today's Calories: 448

Polar HRM
Calories Burned: 846
Max Heart Rate: 166
Avg Heart Rate: 140

Once again, I'm showing a marked increase in numbers from the Wii to the HRM, which I tend to trust a bit more (because I want to believe I'm working that hard).  There ARE about 15 minutes on there where I had to either run to the bathroom or answer an email, but I kept my heart rate over 130 when I did.

Tonight: the Reach Beta is over, so we'll probably either play some classic Halo 3 or possibly some Versus mode in L4D, maybe even go wild and try and beat some of our personal bests in ODST Firefight.  I'll be joining late because of a desperate need for a shower post evening workout.

May 21, 2010

Weigh In

So I stayed up too late last night working on the project again last night, but I think it's mostly done.  Now I need to grab lunch and work out.

Weight:     306.8 lbs
Body Fat: 43.7%
Water:      43.1%

Of to lunch and workout am I. 

Dinner and Softmod

I grabbed a snack this afternoon of some Sour Cream and Onion Soy Chips, which, while not quite as good as the BBQ ones, break up the monotony of them.

After this snack, I discovered that the DVD RW's I have weren't cutting it for the Original Xbox softmod, so I determined that I would need either DVD R's or CD R's to finish the project.  Before heading out to Best Buy, I decided to grab dinner.

For dinner, I had one of my remaining frozen meals, Shrimp Alfredo.

The meal was quite good, and I tried out something I'd picked up at the supermarket yesterday, mini bagels.  They're roughly equivalent to a single slice of good bread, so I can have one for a carbohydrate portion of a meal.  My other sides were celery (unlimited vegetable), cauliflower (vegetable) and some light ranch dressing (fat).

My foot feels much better than when I woke up this morning, so I should have no trouble working out Friday, and that's a good thing.

I picked up some DVD-R's and some CD-R's from Best Buy after dinner, and upon burning and trying the first DVD-R when I got home, found instant success with softmodding the xbox.  I've been playing with it and the media server software on my computer ever since, so I'm a bit behind on getting to bed (it's 3am).  I'm going to try one last thing and hit the hay (I swear it, god help me).

May 20, 2010

Weigh In and Lunch

I overslept by more than a bit this morning.

Weight:     307.2 lbs
Body Fat: 43.7%
Water:      43.1%

I woke up so late, in fact, that I went down to lunch after weigh in.

For lunch, I had Cheesy Mashed Potatoes.

An old favorite, these prepared me for an afternoon of not exercising.  My left foot hurt this morning, and I didn't want to risk injuring it, so I decided to wait it out for a bit.

In the meantime, I checked the job sites, and started my Original Xbox softmod project.  This has been... interesting so far, with mixed results.  The basic softmod is in place, and now I need to install XBMC and some other things.  I'll report back with what happens.