May 17, 2010

Weigh In and Breakfast

Woke up a bit late this morning, but still on time to grab a quick breakfast before time was up.

Weight:     311.2 lbs
Body Fat: 44.6%
Water:      42.4%

I'm happy with that.  If I keep my head down and power through, I should hit my 100 lbs goal before the 4th of July.

For Breakfast, I grabbed a Blueberry Muffin out of the box.

For sides, I had an egg over easy (protein) on a slice of wheat toast (carbohydrate) with a juice box (fruit).  I now feel ready to face the morning job boards and the basement gym.

There aren't usually that many jobs when I first check in the morning, so I normally make a second round of checks right before or after dinner, when the bulk of the business day has finished across the country.  The morning checks usually help me round up any that were posted after the evening ones from the previous day, but not so much on a Monday.

All right, time to get to it.  Stay thirsty, my friends.

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