May 13, 2010


I've got an exciting day ahead, so breakfast was important.

For an entree, I had the Double Chocolate Muffin.  These are pretty decent, the big difference between this and a non-diet equivalent is that it's smaller and lighter on the grease.

For sides, I prepared toast (carbohydrate), salmon (protein), and apple juice (fruit).  Now, I realize that to many people, the idea of eating salmon and chocolate together for breakfast is disgusting.  It kind of is, but only if you're eating both at the same time.  If you're having your salmon and toast first, then moving on to your muffin, it's just like eating dessert!  That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.

Remember when I said I had an exciting day ahead?  Well, I lied.  I'm going to page through the job boards this morning and then work out, that's about as exciting as it gets around here.

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