May 25, 2010

Weigh In

So, with yesterday's recap out of the way, I can start fresh (and late) on today.

Weight:     303.6 lbs
Body Fat: 42.1%
Water:      44.3%

According to the scale, I reached an interesting milestone somewhere last week, when my water and body fat percentages flipped.  I'm officially more water than fat, now!

As previously mentioned, I have no idea how accurate these numbers are, or any real appreciation for what they mean.  Fat cells contain some percentage of water/connective tissue/etc.  Does Body Fat % only represent the portion of my body that is actual fat, or does it include the other components of the fat cell.  Is it volumetric or weight-based?  Fat has a lower density than muscle, so the number should be fairly different.

 I may take some time in the near future to investigate these things, but not right now.  Right now is the time for lunch, so that I might punish myself better on the balance board.

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