May 31, 2010

Weigh In and Last Night's Dinner

Good news, everyone!

Weight:     299.4 lbs
Body Fat: 41.8%
Water:      44.6%

I've broken the 300 mark.  These are exciting times, indeed.  I shall hold a feast in my own honor!  Wait, no, that's not how this works.  I continue starving for glory?

At any rate, I didn't post about dinner last night, so here we be.  I had the frozen Salisbury Steak with Macaroni & Cheese.

As always, the frozen dinners are a nice treat.  I also enjoyed, as sides, some celery (unlimited vegetable), some (steamed for a change, normally eaten raw) broccoli (vegetable), light ranch dressing (fat) and a slice of wheat toast (carbohydrate).

Now, my dessert is a story of controlled weakness.  Sun Chips are a great favorite of mine.  In general, sweet foods have never been my problem, I'm very much a salty/fatty foods person.  So seeing a nice big bowl of them on the kitchen table when I stopped downstairs to grab a soda before game time was not great for me.  I got out the scale and measured out two servings of chips to have as my dessert (~280 calories as compared to the ~140 my snacks normally are).

Game time was L4D2, and we accomplished our goals of getting all the Dark Carnival achievements knocked out of the park, along with a few others.  We had a generally good couple of rounds, with many many zombies dead.

Now, because of our irregular gaming session due to the holiday, I slept in quite late today, and will be at the outer extremities of lunch time when I eat.  I still need to at least lift today, so I have to get to that once my stomach settles from lunch.

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