June 23, 2010

Yesterday's Meals and Today's Breakfast

So yesterday was a bit of a failure.  I got on the road around noon, after getting the new tires, and grabbed a Whopper meal from Burger King for lunch.  There are a dozen excuses for this, most of which involve the fact that I was now a full day behind schedule and hadn't had morning time to prep lunch, but it's still a failure.

I spent most of the day on the Blue Ridge Parkway, which is an extension of the scenic drive from Shenandoah National Park through Virginia and North Carolina.

Needless to say, it was very pretty.  There aren't as many scenic overlooks that you can just pull off for and snap shots of as there were on the Skyline Drive, but there were a much higher concentration of ones where you could take a 30-45 minute hike to get to one.  Unfortunately, I was pretty far behind schedule (I was supposed to get on the road much earlier in the morning) and I did not have time to take any of the hikes.  I think I might have to come back and do them when I return to this part of the country, because they all seemed very nice.

As I said, I was way behind schedule yesterday, so I made the decision to get off the Blue Ridge Pkwy once I entered North Carolina.  I wish I'd taken pictures of the state crossover, which was just a small wood sign in the middle of nowhere, but that brings me to the other reason I decided to get off the parkway: I was losing the light.  Yes, I was almost stuck driving around on a winding mountain road in the middle of the evening.  Fortunately, I was able to leave before I lost the light, and jogged down the state to get on the interstate system, where I found a very late dinner of McDonalds (quarterpounder meal, I'm a bad person) and a KOA campground for the night.

I spent the evening, and got up this morning and grabbed a shower.  Oh, Glorious Shower Day!  I was hoping to drop a deuce, since I haven't since starting the trip, but it appears my colon's on lock-down.  I then proceeded back to my car, where I sweated into my nice clean clothes while refilling my water can and moving things around for better access.  I grabbed a piece of wheat bread (carbohydrate) that I ate while I took care of things, and then sat down to the remainder of breakfast.

I had Nutricinnamon Squares Cereal with a juice box (fruit) and 8 oz of additional nonfat milk (dairy).  I have a carton of eggs in the cooler, but I'm starting to reconsider them and instead just always having milk as my morning dairy instead of protein.  Cooking is annoying.

I'm back on schedule today, and lunch is already warming in the sun on the back deck of the car, so now, it's time to book it.

(Sorry I forgot to get weighed this morning, I'm working on my morning routine.)

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