June 18, 2010

Sleep Problems

I was up all night dicking with something on my EEE PC last night trying to find a halfway decent solution in Linux to work with the crappy webcam I have.  I was trying to set up software to take an image every 30 seconds or so to use as a dashboard camera, but I've run into too many problems.  The cheap old usb webcam I'm using doesn't seem to like taking stills.  It just returns static-filled images whenever a still process is run, and none of the software I've found that records video rather than stills will allow for a low enough framerate (.05 or so fps) to keep the video output down to a manageable size.  I've wasted the better part of a week getting this laptop to run right and trying to learn enough to get the thing to work the way I want it to, but I think I need to concede that the hardware issues and the solutions needed to overcome them would require too much of my time to learn, at this point, to be worth the time lost preparing other things for my great journey.

Last night, I also went through my ridiculous stack of maps from AAA and put together a next stage route (with a bunch of alternates in various parts) of where I think I'm going, as well as compiling a list of states and major cities I'll be traveling in or near.  I used that list to identify Craigslist locales I should post ads in to find destination ideas, so I've now got an easier to consult list (complete with site links) to work off of as I progress across the country.

Weight:     294.8 lbs
Body Fat: 40.2%
Water:      45.8%

In related news, I ate an appropriate Nutrisystem breakfast and dinner, yesterday, but then I ended up having cupcakes and icecream for dessert, so that went all to hell.  I also ate some Triscuits and pepperoni around 1:30-2am because I was starting to get seriously on edge from the damned computer nonsense and I gave into frustration eating.

I need to make a trip to the hardware store today to grab some stuff to help the fam around the house, and then I'm going to double-check the water seal on my trunk and start a mock packing to see how well everything fits.

I applied for a few more jobs yesterday.  I swear, I wish I had the chops for a software developer job, because the demand for programmers as compared to engineers has always been ridiculous when I've been looking for work.  In related news, a slightly more stripped-down version of the EUC bill will either go in front of congress for a vote today or Monday, so that moving along the rails is a good thing.

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