June 10, 2010

This Morning's Weigh In (I was up early, I just forgot to hit Publish)

Apparently, I didn't post this morning's weigh in.

Weight:     295.4 lbs
Body Fat: 41%
Water:      45.2%

So I'll just go ahead and give the recap of today's eats.

Breakfast was the frozen Ham and Cheese Omelet, along with a small apple (fruit), an 80z glass of milk (dairy, instead of my usual protein, SOMEONE has been eating ridiculous quantities of eggs and didn't tell the rest of us we were almost out), and a slice of wheat toast (carbohydrate).

I spent most of the morning helping with some tasks around the house, and taking care of some minor shopping expeditions.

Lunch had to be consumed on the go, so I stopped at a Taco Bell and ate 2 soft Fresco Style chicken tacos and 1 crunchy beef Fresco Style taco.  I really should have eaten just two, but I was weak.

The afternoon included patching holes/cracks in my tail lights with some epoxy, drilling a hole in my dash mount for the phone so I can use the camera while driving, and installing new weather stripping on the trunk of my car.  I'm hoping all this will solve the leaking issues I've been experiencing for some time.

This caused me to require snack at 3:30, which was some little baggie of South Beach nuts and whatnot, since I'm trying to stretch my current Nutrisystem order for reasons that will soon be explained (I tease continuously).  They're equivalent to one of the Nutrisystem snacks, as far as I can tell, but I didn't snap photos because I was in a hurry.  I've got around 19 more of them, so I'm sure I'll get photos at some point.

For dinner, I grabbed a repeat of one of the Lean Cuisine meals, and it's still freaking delicious to me.  I had some celery (unlimited vegetable) and some cauliflower (vegetable) with some light ranch dressing (fat) as sides.

Unfortunately, we had some peanuts about, and I had a few handfuls for dessert (don't ask me why, someone in this house is obsessed with the damned things as a food and keeps buying them to have around).  And before anyone asks, yes, that is a tube of 5-minute epoxy on the table.  What?  Like you've never waited to finish cleaning up your project until after dinner?  Or even just left it sitting there and planned on dealing with it tomorrow?

So I think I'll try to bang out that Lean Cuisine Experiment recap after this goes out, but I may just hit the hay.

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