June 14, 2010

Monday Sin

I grabbed a frozen lunch, but the day went downhill after that.

I had the frozen Chicken Quesadilla.

It's pretty good, and it was the last good thing I ate today.

I spent the afternoon sanding some old furniture and looking at a new job site.  There may be some promise in it.

I've been kind of feeling like shit, and let myself go to Five Guys today for a very inappropriate pick-me-up.  A bacon cheeseburger and some fries (I split that plate with another person).  Toppings were grilled mushrooms and onions, pickles and mustard.  I've been craving one of these for a month, and between one thing and another, I just snapped today.  This is no excuse to go any more off the diet than I already have, and I'm prepared to get back to serious business tomorrow morning.

I really hate this kind of diet fuckuppery, but I've learned that wasting a lot of time guilt-tripping myself isn't beneficial, and usually just leads to me running further off of the wagon.  I just say "you fucked up, now get back to your routine, fatass".  Honest to god, it should be that simple, shouldn't it?

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