June 24, 2010

Florida Sunrise


I'm pretty stoked for the day, as I've got a very pleasant drive ahead of me, but before I get to that, maybe I should recap yesterday afternoon.  Before I do that, I should get out of the way that I just realized that, once again, I forgot to get weighed this morning.  Something about waking up in a car and then needing to hunt for a place to piss just makes me forgetful.

After I headed out from the Georgia rest stop/visitors center, I made headway into Florida.  I came down 95 into Jacksonville, whereafter I shot out to A1A, which is the coastal 2-lane highway here in FL.  I stopped in St Augustine, which has a Walmart, and decided I wanted seafood for dinner.  Unfortunately, it was past 9, and all the little seafood joints had closed their kitchens for the evening.  This lead to a Big Buford at Checkers.

I've figured out what my problem is with the bad eating.  I'd relaxed my rules about meal times, and I need to stop that.  Even if I decide it's the local flavor I want to try for dinner, I need to make sure I do it at the right time, so I'm not starving at 10 o'clock at night and ordering too much/the worst possible thing for me.  Besides that, the only food available that late at night is awful for me, and I shouldn't be eating that late.

So this morning started off nice.  I woke up a bit before six in the Walmart parking lot (bought me a camp fan so I'm not dying in the car at night, anymore) and decided to head to the beach to catch the sunrise.  It was beautiful, but I didn't quite catch it on the beach.  I was coming over a bridge during the main part of it, and I enjoyed it, but I was too late to the beach to capture stills.  I did get a few decent shots, though, and decided to put one up.

After that, I hopped in the car and started south on A1A again, now desperate to empty my bladder.  That's one of the worst parts of staying urban at night, not being able to take a leak right away without fear of a public indecency charge.  All that aside, I found a Starbucks not too far down the road, where I grabbed a venti iced coffee with my gift card, and had a breakfast consisting of a Nutrisystem Blueberry Muffin, a slice of wheat toast (carbohydrate), a juice box (fruit), and 8 oz of milk (dairy).  I didn't really feel like chugging my milk down, so I drank half my coffee and dumped the milk in what remained of that.

Now, I'm going to head out, and see if I can't put some serious miles on the car today.

1 comment:

  1. We all have days when we fall off the wagon....just be sure to put it behind you and focus on the present! Glad to hear that you are back on schedule now…Consider visiting our online community to gather tips and suggestions for sticking to the program while on the road!
