June 26, 2010

Initial Car Packing

It occurs to me that not everyone reading knows about Sheila, my '98 Avalon that is currently my primary residence.

So I thought I'd share some photos I took before we hit the road together.

The old girl's got almost 150,000 miles on her, and I fully expect to enter the 200k club with this car.  In the back seat, you can see my suit bag, food cooler, and main water can.  I also have my clothes bag in the other seat well back there and some pillows, which I use to create my nightly nest.

On the back deck, you can see the "sun shower" water bladder that I use to keep a hot supply of water handy.

In the trunk, you can't see it, but the bulk of the trunk is full of my food.  4 plastic bins that contain my food and some goods that couldn't stand getting wet if the trunk leaked are kept underneath the folding chair and bag of cooking gear.  My large tent is visible at the bottom, and my electric Coleman lantern can be seen on the left.

I'll probably take some updated photos in the near future, so you can see what I changed to make things work better for my daily routines, but now you see a gross look at how I'm packed.

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