June 5, 2010

More Lean Cuisine, From the World of Tomorrow!

As you're aware, I woke up quite late today, meaning no lunch or breakfast, so I started my meals with a bag of Zesty Herb Snack Mix at 3:30.

Which was enough to tide me over to my fantastic 5pm dinner.

For dinner, I had another of my Lean Cuisine frozen meals.

The Wood Fire Style BBQ-Recipe Chicken Pizza.

Packaged and cooked in the same manner as last night's pizza, I had very high hopes for it.

SWEET GODJESUS YES.  This is possibly my new favorite thing.  Although I do enjoy the occasional bbq chicken 'za, it's not my typical choice.  As you'd expect, it's chicken slices, red onion, low-fat mozzarella and cheddar cheese, and sweet bbq sauce.  This is so very different (sweeter) from most of the meals I eat, however, that I enjoyed it disproportionately.  I also had some celery (unlimited vegetable), split my vegetable serving between radishes and cauliflower, and had some light ranch dressing.

For dessert, I grabbed a bag of BBQ Soy Chips, which were pleasant, and headed off to do some reading. 

Whatever was wrong with the hip is feeling much better, and I should be good to lift and hit the treadmill tomorrow.  Now, I'm off to either kill aliens or zombies in a murder simulator.

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