June 22, 2010

Breakfast In a Cup

Coming at you live from Somewhere In Virginia!  Yesterday, I visited the Shenandoah National Park, which, as those of you who read yesterday's entry know, ended somewhat poorly, but was fantastically beautiful.  I took many pictures, and need to take some time to go through them and grab some that I really like and discard the many, many shots that my inept hands destroyed.  For now, enjoy this weight:

Weight: 291.8 lbs
Body Fat: 39.5 %
Water: 46.4%

So here's some fun facts about living on the road.  First of all, it's not considered polite, in civilized areas, to urinate on the side of the parking lot or to walk around naked, so doing so in the Walmart one I'm in would be inadvisable.  I'm sleeping here, instead of in the National Park, because of tires and bears.  I need to buy tires this morning, and all the food that I had in the trunk is in the back seat of the car, since I didn't want to have to move it more times than was necessary.  But this didn't stop me from getting weighed with my clothes on, or painfully holding my water until such time as I can find a urinal.  Before moving on to breakfast, this thing:

Some of you have not seen The Dark Crystal.  This either makes you a bad person or very young, and this blog is too mature for you.  Go tell your parents what you did, and that you saw something called Fizzgig in the Shenandoah National Park.

For breakfast, I had some Nutrifrosted Crunch Cereal.

Out of a cup, because I don't feel like doing dishes this morning.  I had 12 oz of milk in that container, 8 oz for a protein serving, and 4 oz for the cereal.  I also had a juice box (fruit) and a slice of untoasted wheat bread (carbohydrate), which I didn't terribly enjoy.  Why the hell does toasting bread make it so much better?  I've got eggs and cooking equipment, but I didn't really love the idea of setting up my camp stove in the parking lot here.

That's all I've got, for now.  Time for the tire center to open.

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