March 21, 2011

Tourism Weekend

Well, Fatheads, it's been a very exciting weekend here down in Charleston.  I apparently took about 2 gigs worth of pictures while my brother was visiting, and much exciting food and drink was consumed as a part of our tourist experience.

Weight:     298.4 lbs
Body Fat: 41.4%
Water:      44.9%

But now, the weekend is over, and it's time to assess the damage.  I'm up about 10 lbs from Friday, although much of that is almost certainly water weight.  We had a great time checking out the many exciting restaurants the city has to offer, as well as imbibing at what might be called an unhealthy level by some, but I would refer to as a properly robust level.

This is a digital photograph of someone painting a building.  Unfortunately, there exists no proper photograph of the fantastic meals we ate, which encompassed the entirety of exciting food options from the city.  Several meals of seafood, along with one of our more exciting pizza joints here in town.

Today, it's back to the typical foods:  South Beach snack bar for breakfast, then typical snacks/lunch during the day at work.   What little remains of the "guest food" is either going in to work with me today or it's going in the trash.  I need to keep some snacks around for poker night, but I can ignore that stuff if it's shoved away in a drawer.  My feet are beat to hell from some of the walking this weekend (the shoes I wore Saturday night were definitely not intended for either walking or stumbling whatever distance was involved) so I'm probably going to try and take it easy on my feet for a few days, after which I'll get back on the elliptical to punish my horrible body for my sins.

In somewhat similar news, the brother just got one of the new fondle-slabs and has been showing it off this weekend, giving me a desire to own one of my very own.  I'm thinking that, after I do my taxes, I'll look at possibly buying one.  My typical buying pattern for Apple products is to wait until about 4-6 months, minimum, after the version I want comes out and just buy a refurb, but I may decided to break that pattern for the touchiness.  I'm happy with my current Dell monstrosity  of a laptop, so I don't really need a new primary computing device, and I have some problems with the idea of buying a not-entire-new-computer for a price higher than that of my last new main computer, but screw it.  We wants it.

Experience terror.  Those are the most lifeless, zombified eyes I've ever seen.  Looking at them, one can't help but feel that the deep ones are reaching out for the minds and souls of the innocent YouTube user, carelessly meandering the net, looking only to understand a strange new meme.  There can be no help for any of us now.  The God is dead, and the old ones have come, all that can be hoped for is to be eaten first before we are driven to self-immolating insanity by the ones to whom we are as ants.  IA IA! Cthulu Ftagn!

Here, an autotune palate cleanser.  I'm so sorry to have done that to any of you so early in the morning, I know I won't be the same ever again.

Well, I'm off to the shower and then work, after which I need to take the bro to the airport.  

Keep the faith, Fatheads, we'll get there.

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