March 6, 2011

Back To Basics

Well, Fatheads, I'm back home, and I'm glad to be here.  Seattle was a great learning experience, and I learned a hell of a lot about my job and how it's going to be changing in the near future.  I learned some lessons about how to eat properly while living on takeout in such a way as to mostly maintain my weight, which was good.  I think I'm about the same as I was when I left, but we'll know for sure when I get weighed in tomorrow.

You really get sick of eating out.  I can be good for about a week or so on an expense account before it goes to hell, but after that it's anyone's guess what I'll eat next.  This assignment was just short enough that I had to expense all my meals, rather than getting a per diem.  Longer-term assignments where you get a per diem rather than a max budget that goes away if you don't use it are easier too, because it's easy to just get groceries and pocket the extra on those.

I re-stocked the fridge/bread drawer with my appropriate Nutrisystem sides yesterday, so I can get right back on track Monday morning.  I'm kind of just decompressing this weekend, and getting used to East Coast Time, again.  I should probably clean the place up, go through my mail and do laundry, but I'm pretty sure I've got at least one clean pair of jeans and a work shirt for tomorrow, so fuck it.

G'day, Fatheads.

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