March 9, 2011

Basically, Don't Eat

Today is an officially ordained "don't eat" day for all of us miserable Catholics out there, so I'm probably also not going to exercise when I get home this evening.

Weight:     299.8 lbs
Body Fat: 41%
Water:      45.2%

 Of course, the fact that I'm sore as hell this morning and chafing like a bear might be contributing to that attitude.  I probably didn't drink enough water after my workout and I KNOW I didn't stretch properly.  We'll see how I feel when I get home.

I really need to not work out as late as I did last night, it threw off my whole schedule of trying to go to bed/wake up on time, so now I need to work a bit later today, and it all just goes into the vicious cycle.

Really, a day of not eating isn't so bad, I used to do it all the time.  I'd not have time for breakfast, and I used to usually skip lunch.  The problems come when you get home in the evening starving and end up eating too much.  Your body's in starvation mode, so that makes it all worse. 

Just going to have to rely on good old-fashioned discerprine.

Self-flagellate, Fatheads.

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