March 8, 2011

Feline Real Good, That Feline Real Good

So I went up in time a bit today, and speed of Fatass running (walking), but I apparently went down in heart rate and calories burned?

65 mins Elliptical Trainer

Polar HRM
Calories Burned: 979
Max Heart Rate: 170
Avg Heart Rate: 157

 I'm going to put this down to electronic variance, not me making a massive fitness improvement in one day.  I ate some peanuts before working out/after getting home from getting the precious washed.

Sweet god, do you know how amazing it is to go from a 13-year-old car to a car with less than 25k miles on it?  And with a nicer engine/interior? And a fucking drop-top for the deliciously warm March weather in the South?  What I'm trying to say is that I fucking love my car, be jealous.

 This was one of my "rally songs" tonight.  My typical cursing at myself took place, although I started out confident of a half-hour on the thing, I soon needed to verbally abuse myself to keep the physical abuse up.  I alternated between calorie and time goals, stepping them such that by the time I was finished accomplishing one, I was at 50% of an increment to the other, so I'd be a fucking pussy not to finish it.

At work, I ate an apple for a morning snack, Nutrisystem Cheese Tortellini and some carrots for lunch, and a bag of Nutrisystem Zesty Herb Snack Mix for an afternoon snack just before I left the office.  No bad behavior there.

All's well, I'm probably going to just have a glass of milk and some of these not-so-delicious "lemon snaps" "cookies" that I picked up at Whole Foods the other day, then put myself down for the night.  Lent starts tomorrow, that means no more drinking and sex in the streets, people!  Keep that shit indoors, Jesus says so.

On a related note, don't use tomorrow as an excuse to start a diet.  The first of the year, the lunar calendar... these are terrible reasons to try and lose weight.  You will fail if you use that as a benchmark.  Just say you need to lose weight and do it, trying to use one of these popular times of year to do it just makes you another jackass who can't decide that he needs to stop fucking his life up for his own sake on his own terms.

Also, the Jesuits told me that it's wrong to use Lent for self-improvement.  Some theological crap about it not really being a sacrifice if you're getting something out of it, I don't know.  Don't give anything up for Lent, either, or if you do, keep it fucking secret.  Betcha God will be way more impressed if he doesn't have to hear you telling your friends about what you dun gud fer Gawd.  Hell, I know I will be so impressed with your secret achievements that I'll have the respect for you to say absolutely nothing about them.

Of course, if you tell me about them, I'll also have the disdain for you to say nothing about them.  For me, this is a win-win, because you're a LOSER, and I'm WINNING!

Vatican Warlock Assassin, Fatheads.

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