March 10, 2011

Not A Fire

We had a false fire alarm in the building before I got home today, which meant I had to climb up 11 flights of stairs with my 30 lbs work pack on before again walking down the 11 flights to drop it off before I went for a short walk down by the docks...  Wait, the docks here are very nice, it's touristy, I wasn't trying to buy drugs or Malaysian slaves.

At any rate, I'm thinking I might start taking the stairs as part of my daily routine when I get home, anyway.  It's only a bit slower than taking the elevator, at least up to this floor, and it's good for my fat ass.  Of course, I'm still taking the elevator in the morning, because fuck stairs at 5am (or whenever I actually end up getting out the door).

My original commitment to myself had been to drop my bag off, go for a short walk around the area, then come back home and hop on the elliptical.  Despite the fact that I would dearly love to say that walking up 9 flights is an acceptable workout, it definitely isn't, so I need to force myself onto the elliptical before I'm allowed to consume foodstuffs.

[break to work out]

55 mins Elliptical Trainer

Polar HRM
Calories Burned: 853
Max Heart Rate: 176
Avg Heart Rate: 161

 'twas a good workout, despite being a bit shorter than the last two.  I got a bit overexcited at the beginning and wasted some of my energy on some sprints, during what song I cannot recall.  I feel like the many stairs walked up earlier help make up for it, a bit.

Now's as good a time as any to say that I ate an apple (fruit) for morning snack around 10 or 11, lunch was carrots (vegetable) and Nutrisystem Pasta with Beef around 12:30, and I had a bag of Nutrisystem Soy BBQ Chips around 3:45.

After workout, I grabbed some dinner.  An apple (fruit), a slice of multi-grain bread (carbohydrate), a G2 Gatorade (small) and a Nutrisystem BBQ Sauce Over Beef, Beans and Rice (entree).


It's been a good evening, and now I need to get myself showered and headed to bed for work in the morning.

G'night, Fatheads.

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