March 16, 2011

See? Told You

...that there'd be a new real post!

Weight:     294 lbs
Body Fat: 40.5%
Water:      45.6%

It's been a busy week so far, what with generally getting out of bed in something of a tardy fashion and then having too much to do when I get home.  I haven't exactly had a whole lot of time for exercise, so I haven't.

I've been keeping myself good so far this workweek, although I've been feeding a slight peanut addiction as well as grabbing delivery for dinner both Monday and last night.  Monday, I had a Jimmy Johns "Unwich" (no bread, only lettuce) that their website clocked at about 330 calories after I told them to hold the oil, mayo and cheese.  Last night, I ordered some Chinese food: chicken teriyaki skewers and some steamed dumplings.  I needed the dumplings to push it over the delivery minimum cost, but I only ate a few of them, and didn't eat the actual dough part of most of the ones I did eat.

I've been taking food with me to work in accordance with the diet plan: morning snack of an apple and yogurt, Nutrisystem lunch with either a piece of fruit or some vegetables, and an afternoon Nutrisystem Snack.  I forgot a morning snack the other day, and the only remotely healthy thing in the machine was peanuts, which kind of kick-started my current peanut kick.  I'm almost out of the jar of them I bought at the grocery store the other day, we'll see if I decide to buy more.

For Breakfast today, I'm having an egg over hard (protein), a slice of raisin bread toast (carbohydrate) and a juice box (fruit) along with my Nutrisystem Nutriflakes Cereal.

That's the news from the South, where it's been getting into the 70s every day for about the last week, and it's been sunny every afternoon for the same period.  Suck it, Yankees.

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