March 30, 2011

God Save Donald Duck, Vaudeville and Variety

The long march towards progress begins.  Someone recently asked me if I wasn't still on Nutrisystem, and I jokingly responded "sort of, I'm undergoing lifestyle change".

Weight:   284.2 lbs
Body Fat: 38.4%
Water:    47.2%

Mostly a joke, but not entirely.  I had a bagel with cream cheese for breakfast yesterday, a small turkey and bacon (I feel I may have been shorted on the bacon) sandwich for lunch, and another bagel and cream cheese at around 4 or so.  This is hardly the healthiest day I've had, but it's reasonable and not exactly unhealthy.  Certainly a far more bready day than I like to have, but we work with what we've got.

Today, I actually woke up and got out of bed at the right time, so I've prepared my breakfast to Nutrisystem spec, as well as packed my traditional snacks/lunch for work.  It's odd, for most of the last week or so, I've become used to just grabbing a South Beach snack bar for breakfast, which is just fine for when I'm in a hurry, but this feast of a piece of raisin bread, a Nutrisystem Chocolate Chip Scone and a small juice box just feels like a lot of food for breakfast.  Maybe it was the quart of water I drank before eating (I do try to drink a half-gallon with breakfast... and I just hit that mark, whoopee).

I spend all day going up and down stairs at work, especially at the location I switched to this week.  Even if I didn't need to go climbing about to do my job, there's about 2 flights between me and the restroom, and I try to drink at least 4 quarts over the course of my day.  You can imagine what this means for my relationship with the restroom.

When I was younger, meaning as recently as my teens (I'm not all that old, I have to remind myself) I always used to take the stairs two at a time.  At some point in my fatness, it became uncomfortable to continue to do so.  Yesterday, I realized I'd started up that habit on an occasional basis again.

Feels good, bro.

Protecting the old ways from being abused, Fatheads.

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