March 23, 2011

Why Is My Computer Molesting Itself?

 Well, I'm in a foul mood this morning.  First of all, I had one of those wonderful incidents last night where Windows, having been told not to update at all, decided to go ahead and do whatever the fuck it wants to do.

Weight:     292.8 lbs
Body Fat: 40%
Water:      46%

Of course, it really doesn't matter all that much, usually.  Almost nothing ever changes, and I just get to be annoyed that I have to restart everything I'd had open/in-work the day before.  But then, there are these happy occasions where it DOES royally fuck something up.  Apparently, it blew up my iTunes library.

Now, I'm no n00b (those are zeroes, I have just found a reason to dislike my default formatting choices) to the travails of iTunes on Windows.  I've had to replace a library from a backup before, which iTunes creates every time it updates, and at some periodic other points.  However, I don't think iTunes updated last night, and  I must have had a setting checked wrong on the damned thing in recent memory, because the most recent update to my library I can find anywhere on the PC and its extended drives is from 2010-4-17.

There's no need to get into the "this is a great time to switch!" discussion here, either.  Once the music portion of the library passed 30 gigs, I was well beyond being prepared to either manage it myself or start to use a new library management program, and it passed 70 gigs at some point last year (over 100 with regularly-loaded movies).  I've looked into it on several of the other times something has killed my iTunes (death of a laptop, windows update, death of a hard drive, etc) and there's just not another piece of software that provides me with as much thought-free updating of my various iPods.

What really annoys me is that I'm going to have to sit down with the 160 GB iPod Classic (Dan Halen) and re-create a bunch of my playlists.  Finding and adding the half-dozen podcasts I'm currently listening to sounds like ever so much fun, too.  Updating Genius is probably going to take it all day while I'm at work...

Well, enough of that.  I had a fairly low-food day yesterday.  I ate a South Beach snack bar for breakfast, grabbed a California Roll from the cafeteria at work for lunch (almost all the 'sushi' they have in the fridge case has either cream cheese in it or some kind of mayo/sour cream on it, and all the salads have fried chicken or worse in them), and I had an afternoon snack of Nutrisystem Zesty Herb Snack Mix.  For dinner, I ate the leftover half of a small artichoke hearts, steak, and feta pizza leftover from Sunday.

I fully intend to pack a lunch and snacks for today, but now, I must adjourn to the bathroom, where the miracle of razors and showers can happen.

G'day, Fatheads.

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