March 18, 2011

Weekend Happy Times

I've got family visiting this weekend, and it's been an excuse for me to spend this whole week cleaning and reorganizing my apartment.  I just walked out of my bathroom last night, after having finished, and said: "holy shit, it looks like an actual adult lives here".

Weight:     289.6 lbs
Body Fat: 39.4%
Water:      46.4%

Albeit a somewhat nerdy, possibly immature adult (the game consoles in multiple rooms of the house and art deco-style anti-cylon propaganda posters and "see the verse" travel posters on the walls give it away, not to mention the two Halo Legendary Edition [3 and reach]) but still, an adult.  I don't think my last apartment ever achieved this level of organization.  Possibly cleanliness, but definitely not organization.

At any rate, it's Friday, so small meals only, and no meat.  I'll basically be grabbing South Beach and Nutrisystem bars for breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack, and heading out to dinner with the family when they arrive.


Also, I think I have a new favorite meme, and this is my new favorite picture from it:

Originally seen here.

I won't be posting/getting weighed over the weekend.  Company means I'll be eating out for most meals and doing some amount of drinking (there's a fresh Cornelius keg of Sam Adams in the kegerator).   Have a safe and enjoyable weekend, and don't do anything Gary Busey wouldn't do.

That's all I've got, Fatheads.

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