February 22, 2011

Silent Shame

I've been too busy for most of this week to write updates, and those of you who have been paying attention know that a quiet Fatass is one who has been too busy to be bothered to eat right.

Weight:     303 lbs
Body Fat: 41.7%
Water:      44.7%

I had a bit of a wild weekend, and have definitely been breaking my own rules about lunches (eating burgers and fries instead of nice healthy salads, etc.).  I've even gone so far as to allow myself a beer with dinner on several nights.   Yea and verily did I consume the things that thou shalt not consume, and at a length of nearly a week.  I've been bad about drinking my water, too, barely finishing off a single quart over the course of the work day.

At any rate, I'm trying to get back on track today.  I'll grab a salad for lunch, and get back to drinking a minimum 1 quart of water in the morning, and another in the afternoon

In unrelated news, the Pacific Northwest seems like a pretty decent place to live, other than the lack of sun, which hasn't been much of a problem the last few weeks.  There's an interesting mix of nerds and outdoors-men here that I feel like I could get behind.  Rather against it, I'm afraid, is the lack of palm trees and days on which no jacket is required.

The desperate way they speak of how amazing summer is up here is also a bit worrisome.  Not necessarily because of the idea of only 2 months out of the entire year being wonderfully only 75-80 degrees, but more because they only have those two months of beautiful weather to look forward to all year.  Sure, it doesn't generally get SUPER cold up here, and it never gets SUPER hot, but you know what the nuns would call that shit.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure that if I had to start out with building limbo from scratch, I'd begin with the weather from up here.  I'd even keep the 2 months of semi-beautiful weather.  Because I'm pretty sure that they only look so good because of the other 9 months of absolutely horrid weather, and serve to make the rest of it that much more miserable by comparison.  You see (and this is the part where the Catholic/Dante's Divine Comedy jokes are gonna get a bit thick, so you might want to shut your brain off right now)  the great punishment of purgatory is the denial of the presence of God (fucking esoteric, right?) and it's made all the worse by the knowledge of the nearness of God's divine grace (summer).  And even when they GET summer up here, it's only a pale imitation of what you can get in the rest of the world, so it's not the TRUE grace of God present in their lives.  What I'm trying to say is this:

Unbaptized babies go to Seattle.

Chew on THAT, Fatheads.

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