February 2, 2011

Almost Forgot A Title

God damnit, Blackberry.  So, if you should wake up earlier than you intend to, never look at your work Blackberry and start to write an email, if you do, you will inevitably become fully awake and end up in the office far earlier than you intended, because you've decided  you need to see the things that are there that you don't have at home (airplanes).  Maybe accountants and lawyers don't have this problem...

Weight:     298.8 lbs
Body Fat: 41.2%
Water:      45%

On an unrelated note, I still haven't taken a shit in.. 3 days?  This is beginning to annoy me.  Something about being at work 12 hours a day just doesn't lend itself to peaceful, contemplative time on the crapper.

I took lunch and snacks to work yesterday, and ate dinner out.  I haven't had time to go to the supermarket, and I'm traveling for work soon, so it's hard to justify full loaves of bread or half-gallons of milk, so I'm getting low on supplies, and was unable to have a protein or dairy with breakfast (eggs take too much time when in a hurry).

As a direct result of this, I can't really justify too much writing for this blog this morning, and my brain is already completely focused on work... and possibly taking a crap before I get my shower.

My DJs in a row, Fatheads.

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