February 24, 2011

I'm a Zombie, Now

I ate brains last night.

Weight:     298.8 lbs
Body Fat: 40.7%
Water:      45.4%

I tried to tweet a picture of it from my phone, but I think that POS failed at twitter, again.  I'll try again after I get on the way to work.

I'm not sure if it was the brains, or the other I'm not sure what this is organ that I ate, but I needed a palate-cleanser after I left the restaurant, for which I decided on cheesecake.  Apparently, cheesecake after brains is a poor decision, and I lost most of it in a battle with the porcelain god.

The other wonderful end result of this was that I had the taste of brains in my mouth all night.  We can summarize by saying that I do not recommend eating brains.

You knew this was inevitable.

G'day, Fatheads.

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