February 23, 2011

Looking For Nothing But Breakfast

So, yesterday wasn't quite the success that I hoped for.  It was miserable and snowy, and that did not put me in the mind of a salad, so I ate a sandwich+chips for lunch and McDonalds for dinner.  I HAVE, just so you all know, been only eating a granola bar and coffee for breakfast most mornings, sometimes accompanied by a piece of fruit.

Weight:     300.8 lbs
Body Fat: 41.5%
Water:      44.8%

I still feel kind of ill, and I hate not being able to shake that sort of feeling.  Hopefully I'll be back to my old rakish self by the end of today.

Hopefully, I'll ALSO leave the plant at a decent hour today rather than staying late as I had to yesterday.  I'm learning all manner of new things up here I haven't done at my other location, so that's good, but it's hard to feel like you're accomplishing anything when you don't work that many issues.

Later, Fatheads.

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