February 13, 2011

Sunday Success

Well, I worked yesterday.  I figure: they're paying me to be up here to get experience and learn the job, not to take a vacation, so I should maximize the experience I get, which means I'll be working today, too.  Over the day, I had a few yogurts, an apple or two, a snack bar, and a Nutrisystem lunch bar.

For dinner, I had fast-food Chinese, with fried sugary chicken and noodles, which was a terrible decision.  I never have the joint that serves that stuff in my home cities anymore (at least, for the last 7 years), so it's always an exciting novelty to go to one.  I always seem to end up ill after doing so, however, so I should really quit it.  There are a few other reasons for doing relatively cheap takeout tonight, but I won't get into them.

Weight:     297.8 lbs
Body Fat: 41.2%
Water:      45%

So it's been a pretty good week of hotel/expense account living so far, I think.  There've been some rough spots, but through ridiculously long walks around the plant (comes with a ridiculously large plant) and keeping myself mostly under control, I think it's going better.  I'm going to recommit to protein and vegetables for dinner, I think, because most of my rough spots have come from a direct result of too many carbs at dinner.  They're alright a bit earlier in the day, when you're probably going to burn them off taking your fat ass up and down hills, but not so much in the evening, when you are going to pass out in your bed.

Well, I'm going to get my laundry organized to send out (I've volunteered as the test case for the service here, largely because I don't really like doing laundry in hotels/laundromats), grab a shower, pack a lunch, and then eat breakfast here in the hotel before I go to work.  I'm supposed to eat dinner at some brewery tonight, where I will continue not drinking beer and probably get a steak and salad, no potato.

Where's my clock necklace?  Salaam Alaykum, Fatheads.

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