February 11, 2011

Bad Behavior Has Consequences

So I'd been getting increasingly off-message with my behavior on the expense account, and today's standstill shows that it's time to get back to salads and protein.

Weight:     299.6 lbs
Body Fat: 41.6%
Water:      44.7%

If you'd rather not look (I wouldn't) that's down a bit from yesterday, but basically the same weight.  I had pizza and a large salad for dinner last night, and a large turkey bacon cheddar sandwich with a large salad for lunch.   Clearly, I need to continue walking to the far cafeteria, but tone down what I'm letting myself eat there (back to just salad) and I need to go back to salad with a protein entree (fish, steak or chicken) for dinner.

Well, it's probably time to actually do that whole work thing that they're paying me to be here to do.

G'day, Fatheads.

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