February 1, 2011

Blackberry is Albatross

I've been known to name my electronics, largely following the logic of several of my classmates in college for computers, ie: "it's a girls name, because I stay up long nights with it etc etc."  But work Crackberry has just been given the name "Albatross around my neck".  Also: did it take anyone else forever to figure out you had to go to messages->folders->sms messages to get your texts?

Weight:     299.6 lbs
Body Fat: 42.7%
Water:      43.9%

 Yesterday was another long day at the office, and I had not packed a dinner, so I went out when I finally left work with a coworker to a wing joint.  It wasn't pretty.  I ate according to the plan during the rest of the day, however, and didn't have beer with dinner (god, I miss beer).

Is it just me, or, at first glance, does the bird's head look like a dong?  And the man is very sad because he has a freakish penis.  [Source: Wikipedia Article]

Back to it, then.

Later, Fatheads

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