March 25, 2010

Lunch of Glue

'allo, here with the lunch update for today. Decided on the Black Beans and Rice option for lunch, which is one of the dehydrated cups. You know the drill, stir, wait ten minutes, enjoy...

Well, enjoy may be a bit of a strong word. If you like rice and beans, you'll like this. It tastes like normal beans and rice with some seasoning, which is not something I'd necessarily choose to order as my entree. One of the fun things with Nutrisystem is that they send you a week or two of free food every so often. Unfortunately, like with the frozen food, it's all picked by them. I'd assume this is some way they've established of eliminating excess stock.

With my delicious paste, I had some cucumbers with a bit of some Newman's Own dressing that I thought was Caesar, but definitely was not.

Of course, what would a fatass meal be without a diet soda? Apparently, all we had around was a Fresca and a Diet Rite, so I need to go shopping. All in all, this was not a bad meal. I'm no longer hungry and haven't quite lost the will to live. Both good things.

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